I've been asked to install a Cervellati Microcell pad. I've put on a few of those really soft pads before and promised myself I would never do another one, but I am not familiar with this particular brand. Does anyone have experience grinding the Cervellati? I didn't order it yet so wanted to get some feedback before doing so, I may be able to talk the owner out of it if necessary.
I've never even heard of this pad. Good luck, Craig and let us know how it turns out.
I took the easier road, going with an NECG red pad instead. The other spongy pads I've ground have sucked into the disc sander and I couldn't afford to risk damage to this stock.
Craig, I have used the microcell pads sold by Hastings. I think they are made by cervellati. I have found them to be horrible to fit to a gun. Best thing I have found is to tape the stock, grind the pad the same as any other pad. Then I finish shaping the pad down to the size of the stock with 120 grit emery cloth. This only really cuts through the hard rubber plate. Once I have the plate shaped down to size and polished with 400 grit paper I then grind the excess squishy pad material down to size with a belt sander, being careful not to hit the plastic plate.
In the end they are horrible pads to work with but if a client wants a extremely light weight gun I don't know what else to do.
Matthew, thank you for that report. It's in line with a few of the pads I've tried to fit years ago; there was a guy in Delaware or MD making his own and the trapshooters around here liked them but as you say, they were very difficult to do well. Fortunately the owner of this gun was only interested in recoil reduction so I put on an NECG pad (needed 1 1/8") with his approval.