It took a bit of time to get organized and such, but the Foundation is moving along pretty well right now. We now have two really good videos up on Youtube One is with Steve Durren and involves creating a second switch rimfire barrel on a center fire take down rifle and the second video is about reshaping a Fox double gun action with Matthew Begley.
The Foundation also just finished our scholarship season for 2024. We handed out SIX $1000.00 scholarship awards to some great students from five of the gunsmithing schools. All of the recipients had very high-grade point averages and included extra documentation about their extracurricular activities such as president of the gun club or president of the school trap team etc. Also, each of them included two endorsement letters from their instructors. I think we can all be happy with these recipients. Enclosing here are photos of the students. One of the Students who attends Piedmont College has been unable to send us a photo because of the recent hurricane, but we hope to have one soon.
Best to all