A team of ACGG professional members are currently preparing a custom Perazzi for a live auction by our foundation at the Griffin and Howe and Hudson Farms Foundation fundraising event in Andover, New Jersey, this June.
This 20-gauge shotgun with 30-inch tubes will be sold to benefit the ACGG Foundation. The team includes metalsmith Dennis Potter, who has done the barrel rib treatment and side plates, and Dennis Earl Smith, who is responsible for the stock-work and pattern creation. The gunstock was carved to a semi-inletted state by AL Lind. Jeff Tapp tackled the checkering and Chris Rossiter is in the process of engraving. Dan Rossiter will complete the project with the metal finishing.
The exhibition Turkish Walnut stock/forend has been generously donated by Jim Bisio of Heritage Walnut and features a Schnabel forend. The gun is balanced at 3/8" behind the hinge pin, with a length of pull of 14 1/4" to a .600 Pachmayr Decelerator pad.
We would like to express our appreciation to everyone involved in bringing this custom Perazzi to life. Please enjoy this collection of in-progress photos of the project!
So much skill and work! I truly hope the final owner appreciates the efforts of all these craftsmen and artist.
It certainly is going to be a magnificent gun. My thanks to all who worked so hard and have done such fine work on this gun. Dennis Potter - Metalsmith, Dennis Smith - Stockmaker, Jeff Tapp - Checkering, and Chris Rossiter - Engraver are the craftsmen who created this fine gun.
The Perazzi will have its coming out party in June at the G&H extravaganza. I really look forward to seeing it in person.
How come it went from color cased to blued?
It was still CCH , the photo lighting sucked all the color out of the photo.
best to all
Wow! Looks black, that's why it's so hard to show cc or blueing in photos I guess. $40,000.00 , nice!