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Need stock checkering recut, looking for referrals


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On the German drilling, I have moved on to the wood work. Checkering is not a skill set I have at this time so I am looking for referrals that I can contact.

The checkering is 18 LPI with borders and is flat top. It is nothing fancy but I think I would like to have it recut as pointed instead of flat top, but i am not opposed to keeping it as flat top.

I cant find anything that would indicate that this gun has any great collectors value so i am not worried about keeping it period correct and in original condition.

Any referrals would be appreciated

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Posts: 8

Hi. I would recommend that you go with semi-pointed. 18 LPI is very deep and pointed up... maybe painfully sharp.

Finding someone to do it is problematic these days.

Best wishes.

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Thanks James. Since i was having a difficult time finding anyone  i went ahead and purchased the checkering tools. I spent many hours practicing on flat and round wood pieces until i felt confident to enough to tackle the job on the german drilling. I made mistakes but fixed them early and i was eventually able to checker the stock and the forearm. I wouldnt say i could checker but it looks pretty good, just dont break out the magnifying glass. 😉 

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Posts: 8

Way to go, Cold1

Cold1 reacted